The alphabet
The Swedish alphabet has twenty-nine letters, three more than the English alphabet, and these different letters all come at the end.
Notice the order:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z å ä ö
Words beginning with w are sometimes found under v in dictionaries.
瑞典语里共有9个元音(a e i o u y å ä ö):
其中又分前元音(Främre): e i y ä ö
和后元音(bakre):a o u å
瑞典语里一共有20个辅音(b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v x z w),其中w仅出现于人名中,q仅出现在外来词中,我们再来听一听:
1. j, 同英文里的[y],仔细听:
2. r, 在瑞典南部,是发的很重的大舌音(舌尖音),而在北部,也被发作英语里的[r],我做个示范(上传文件满了。。。):
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